Sunday 530 pm
Leaving Bridgehampton now. It was very pretty there.. We went to a pumpkin patch where the kids played like maniacs. It was so cute. It was a pumpkin patch that had all sort of fun things for the kids. A hay ride, slides, races, and so much more. We just left an apple orchard where the kids actually did pick some apples and we had such fun.
Now as we journey home I am anxious and excited for I have yet another date with a boy I have been "dating". I am not quite sure what all this means with him but I do like his company. I have a date with a boy tomorrow that has been asking me out for about 2 months now. I met him out one night when Loren Lief of The Party and I went out. I think this guy is much younger then me. Probably late 20s or maybe 30. He and I are supposed to go out for ice cream. I am not sure if thinks that is code for sex but it is not. well not with him anyways. Dating multiple people at once is serving me right. It is helping me not get caught up with any one boy imperticular. Not that its a bad thing to focus on one boy but I have a tendency to get my heart involved, which leaves it hurt sometimes. Nothing that ever stops me dating and crushing on the boys though. Whoop whoop that much I know.
NYC is becoming better and better for me. Work is tough but pays so well and my personal life is going better then it has in ages. I have a very close friend here who has become like an angel to me. She and I have had so much fun in the city together. For a while we were going to movie in the park, Bryant Park had Monday night movie in the park. We would bring the hello kitty blanket relax on that and munch on delic goodies. When I would bring in the tasty delights it would be wind, cheese and crackers. we would have just the best time. Most of the time they would feature a black n white movie which I just love the best. I grew up watching black n white movies with momma and have loved them since.
A blog on the random life of Alee. Join me on my journey through life and see it through my eyes. I take the good with the bad and try to find the positive to all things.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Saturday morning on the way to the Hampton's for work. It may sound all fun and glamours going to the Hampton's but really it is not. After all you must remember that I am going to work not play, and there is nobody there that I am friends with. Sure there is beautiful walks I can take at ten pm when I am off work but really at that point all I want to do is crash. Working with kids is a very physical and mentally demanding job. I do not know how some families have 4 kids and more. It is part of my responsibility to take care of two small kids and one baby on the way. The Hampton's where we go is quite beautiful. It is called Bridgehampton, there are tons of farms and organic pick your own stops everywhere. It is about an hour and a half from the city, unless we hit traffic. Boy when there is traffic here it is a ton filled with pedestrians, cars, trucks, delivery vehicles, cyclist, horse and carriage, vespas, skateboarders and so much more you cant even imagine!! NYC is incredible! To my surprise however this city is amazing whit traffic. There is so much congestion yet it flows so well. I don't know how they do it but I think it is a combination of man y things one being the fact people here work together. I think you almost have to work together in this crazy city. You are always in other peoples personal space you must be able to tolerate and work with others here. It a very interesting blend here, the community is so independent and keeps to themselves but the other end is that they are also so unified with others work together . So enough about all that lets get to some good juice in my life......
I started aggressively dating a few months ago. After the last relationship I had ended I just chose not to date for a while, like for a year while. Then I met a guy that sparked my interest and that is what got me back into dating. I have been so busy with these boys its been a blast! I never knew dating could be so much fun. Dating in NYC is like nothing I have ever been exposed to before. There have been some pretty hilarious dates I have been on that's for sure! There is actually one boy that I am possibly becoming a little sweet on. We have been having such great fun together and I am liking it very much. We have been chatting for about a month only so its always a ball in the beginning. I am liking his company very much. While we were out the other night in the Meat Packing district dinning, who other then Kelsey Gammer strolled right in and was greeted by a some friends! I was like uhhhhhh really! That was my first star experience where they are chilling like its no big thing out in public. He looks older in person then on screen, but was defiantly recognizable. You know some stars you would not recognize if they walked right past you but him nahh he was so him! I was loving life. I felt a little high all of a sudden, it was an amazing experience for me.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Flight Attendant
Well here I am on a flight back home to Ft. Lauderdale. The car picked me up at 430 am and my flight left promptly at 630 am. Flying out of LGA is so easy I love it! After watching the sun come up over the city it was time to board the bird. The line went fast and smooth ahh Spirit airlines I thank you. Now I am flying high above the clouds and the view is magnificent. Looking down at the clouds is an whole new perspective as opposed to laying underneath them. The clouds are so beautiful, each is unique to the next, no two are alike. Remember as a child playing the game of what shapes , faces or animals you could find by staring at the clouds. I remember finding all kinds of animals in the clouds. It was always best when my brother or sister would be playing with me and we would share in each others excitement in our discoveries. The billowing clouds are so cool they just dance around the sky, sometimes together while other times by themselves. Clouds have such personality! Clouds are very important they give us so much. If it were not for clouds we would have no shade, no rain, and nothing to dream about walking on. The old saying to walk on the clouds would be quite intoxicating if only we really could walk on them. I think this may be as close as we get to walking on them. One of these days I want to parachute out of a plane and see how that feels. There is something I have always loved about flying, something that fills me with emotions that are at times overwhelming. Not sure when it all started but as a young person I had dreamed of becoming a flight attendant. For many years that was my dream. I took it so far as to apply with United around the age of 22. I remember the interview was in Miami and very extensive. After the 1st interview if they liked you then you were called to a second interview in Chicago and then after that they would confirm you either have the job or don't. One of the questions on the application was do you know a 2nd language, I know sign language so I put that down. Another was would you relocate for the position, my answer was no. So after the first grueling interview was over I went home and went about my life as I waited for the envelope to come. The envelope would contain my acceptance for the 2nd interview or my letter of no thanks Alee we don't need you. Well when the big manila envelope finally arrived I was so nervous and super excited to see what fiat lies inside. I opened it up only to see that there was a 2nd interview request!! Yippie I jumped for joy and called my parents immediately! They were so proud of me and very thrilled for whatever the future was to hold for me. My parents always supported me with genuine emotion.
United was going to fly me to Chicago for a 2nd interview! Wow you talk about excited! I was so happy. They required you to have a navy blue suit on for the interview, so I ran to Macys and bought one. I was looking very sharp in my new suit and feeling like I had the world in the palm of my hand. The day finally arrived and I was to fly off to Chicago and interview with the main headquarters. The interview was shorter then the first and there were very few applicants. They seemed to focus in on the fact I did not want to relocate and that I did not know Spanish but I did not let that slow me down. I pushed through the interview process focusing on what I can do as opposed to what I cannot or will not do. Once the interview was complete they flew all 10 of us back home and again the waiting process began. About 2 weeks later another manila envelope arrived in the mail and once again I tore into it with great excitement. Only to read that they had gracefully declined the option to hire me :( well well well now that's not what I had expected. I was very disappointed to say the least. Turns out relocating was part of the job and I will be honest as crushed as I was , I was OK with. I asked myself if I would be happy relocating and leaving my family the answer was no so I was actually fine. It did take a while to shake the ugh feeling of not getting a job I had tried so desperately to get. I was hoping United would hire me local but when you are a new hire it just does not work that way. So I picked myself up and continued on with a new blue suit that was very sharp and I knew I could use it some other time. I never did re apply for a flight attendant position. after that I sort of lost my will for it. I do think I would have made an excellent flight attendant and I think it would have been so much fun. I was angry and upset for a while but once I reminded myself that God has a plan and t trust in that plan then I was able to really be at peace with the decision of United. Needless to say I did not fly United after that ;)
I do however still have an extra application I had taken with the thoughts of reapplying which you could do only after 30 days. Once that 30 days rolled around I had no interest but I saved the application to remind myself of the past and of the journey I have had in life. Its saving little things like the application that has given me the ability to have a more clear recollection of my life.
United was going to fly me to Chicago for a 2nd interview! Wow you talk about excited! I was so happy. They required you to have a navy blue suit on for the interview, so I ran to Macys and bought one. I was looking very sharp in my new suit and feeling like I had the world in the palm of my hand. The day finally arrived and I was to fly off to Chicago and interview with the main headquarters. The interview was shorter then the first and there were very few applicants. They seemed to focus in on the fact I did not want to relocate and that I did not know Spanish but I did not let that slow me down. I pushed through the interview process focusing on what I can do as opposed to what I cannot or will not do. Once the interview was complete they flew all 10 of us back home and again the waiting process began. About 2 weeks later another manila envelope arrived in the mail and once again I tore into it with great excitement. Only to read that they had gracefully declined the option to hire me :( well well well now that's not what I had expected. I was very disappointed to say the least. Turns out relocating was part of the job and I will be honest as crushed as I was , I was OK with. I asked myself if I would be happy relocating and leaving my family the answer was no so I was actually fine. It did take a while to shake the ugh feeling of not getting a job I had tried so desperately to get. I was hoping United would hire me local but when you are a new hire it just does not work that way. So I picked myself up and continued on with a new blue suit that was very sharp and I knew I could use it some other time. I never did re apply for a flight attendant position. after that I sort of lost my will for it. I do think I would have made an excellent flight attendant and I think it would have been so much fun. I was angry and upset for a while but once I reminded myself that God has a plan and t trust in that plan then I was able to really be at peace with the decision of United. Needless to say I did not fly United after that ;)
I do however still have an extra application I had taken with the thoughts of reapplying which you could do only after 30 days. Once that 30 days rolled around I had no interest but I saved the application to remind myself of the past and of the journey I have had in life. Its saving little things like the application that has given me the ability to have a more clear recollection of my life.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Feeling better.
Welp I am feeling so much better today :) Now the daunting task of finding a new place to live. I have to move at the end of the month and honestly I am feeling a little anxious. I really have fallen in love with my neighborhood and feel quite comfortable here. I know it would be good to move and learn another area, but I am just not wanting to do so. I guess I have just gotten comfortable here and I know the area so well. Manhattan has so many challenges and finding where things are in an area dont just happen over night. There are subways to learn, grocery stores to find, book stores to seek out, new routs to now find to anything everywhere. Ugh so you see it is very hard and overwhelming. Today is another muggy day in Manhattan. I love it here! There are so many challenges here it really kicks your butt. The winter will be here soon and I dread that. I feel so inspired and alive during the warmer months. You can walk around outside with comfort, play in the park and laze under a tree, chill at the beach and feel the sand under your feet, dress with so very little on your body and over all you just feel more free. So when Old Man Winter arrives yikes!!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Frenchie at his best

This pup has one of the best personalities I have ever met. He belongs to a good friend of mine who spoils the heck out of his little man. Boner is the pups name and yes an odd name but none the less it is his name. He is as adorable as adorable comes. I will tell you a funny story........
I was walking Boner, the cutest Frenchie ever, personality to die for and a face you wanna kiss till the day you die. While talking to my mom on my cell. Mom and I were chatting away and Boner was his normal happy sniff sniff self. It was a beautiful day in Lauderdale ( as it usually is ) and things were going quite well and very relaxing until..... Boner breaks free like a mad man and chases another tiny little dog!!! Ahhhhhh oh no!! So naturally I bolt after him screaming his name in the very quiet neighborhood, which is now filled with me screaming Boner come, come Boner, Boooner , Booooooooooooner!! My mom says what the @#$%^&*()!!!!!!!!!!! Alee what are you saying?? She was mortified and quite confused. I had to quickly tell her no ma its the name of the dog I am walking, I gottah go! Poor ma was left to ponder on what just went down as I had to hang up so quickly. Once Boner was retrieved I had to apologize to the lady who Boner ran to. Her cute tiny dog was so frightened, Boner litterly scared the sh^%# out of it. OOps my bad, sorry. Geeze. Now time to call mamma back. Once I had mamma back on the phone we laughed till we could not breath. AAhhhhh just another day my world. Theres always plenty to laugh at!! I just love Boner the dog ( wink wink) and so miss him. He would sleep with me and cuddle, he would go in car rides with me, we dressed him up for Halloween, he was always the life of the party, he loved to play chase, he was my bestez bud for a while there. When his daddy would leave the house and Boner thought he was all alone , he would start to hooooowwwwll continually with a grand bellowing of dismay! Poor little dude would howl like you can not even imagine! On and on you could hear him outside! He's such a delicious little hot mess! Now that I am living in NY I never see him. Well I did create a FB page for him, per his fathers request. So I can see him on there which is better then nothing, So until next trip home and I get me some Boner love I will think of him and remember the fun times.
Just another Tuesday

Well I spent another successful day at the gym I accomplished only 5 miles today but achieved 35 min of hard weights, so I should be happy with that. I broke my run up into two sets which I rarely do, as it leaves me feeling as if my run was less successful. Last week I ran 12 miles in 2 and a half hours, I felt great! I am hoping to enter into a half marathon cancer run, in honor of my daddy. I ran in a tiny 5k about 6 years ago but nothing since then. I have made it a goal that as I get older I will only get better with my self and the things I am able to do. I want to love my body and feel good about the choices I make for my health. I am very much into nutrition, and the way food is grown. I eat very healthy most of the time but sure do like my ice cream. Especially then you share it with someone you love.
Ugh love why did I even mention that word. Love is a mean and nasty yet tender and sweet word for an emotion that causes so much confusion. It has been years since I felt real love. I dont even know if I have really ever had true love other then one time which is more then some so I am blessed I guess. The love lasted almost 6 years and then poof it was gone. I was done and wanted something more, as I always seem to do. He was a nice boy and we are still rather close, well not close but we do chat from time to time. Some days more then others. We have a friendship and a respect for each other that I think is remarkable. Hes a good man, I was just looking for more.
Manhattan is one big piece of art!
A little love from Manhattan
Monday, August 16, 2010
Well I have been just awful in keeping up with my blog. I think about writing but then become distracted with other things in life. Life has been super busy. Today I am on the couch not feeling so well.
Since I last wrote so many wild things have happened. To start I had two of my girlfriends visit me for a weekend, which was a blast. We dined at a fan little Italian place down the street from me and we met some very interesting people. They were from NY and were super friendly. We even took pictures together we were all laughing so much. Another night we decided to get all glamed up and go out on the town. Which is just what we did. We went to the Kimberly Suites Hotel and upon our arrival they informed us, the rooftop was closed for a private party. Whaaaat! Yikes thats no good. We were wanting to stay in the neighborhood so we ventured over to Bickman Tower, and believe it or not they too were closed for a private party! However the difference between these two is the outcome. You see the three of us decided to go into the private rooftop party and blend in. Which is exactlly what we did, and we had a ball! There were so many people there nobody even noticed we were not part of the blast n a half they were having on the rooftop. After several delic drinks we ventured back home and had a ton of laughs. Then Sunday came and the girls had to leave. Boo hoo then I was a little sad, I love having my friends near me.
The following weekend another girlfriend came to visit. She has been here a few other times to visit me but I did not know the city to well then. Now I am a pro and would be able to swing her all around the streets on Manhattan with out any problems at all. So while she was here for almost a week, we shopped, ate, partied, and drank! We had so much fun! One of the nights sticks out specifically. Thats a Thursday night when she and I decided to try a Wine bar near me. I had always wanted to go but never made it there, until this night. She and I ordered a bottle and appetizer and laughed the night away. Having her company was so beautiful and I wished she could stay forever. Sadly she could not. So the next night was a Friday night and we decided to go out dancing. Gansenvort was my choice and what a blast of fun we had. We stayed there till it was closed and they forced us to go home. Gansenvort is in the Meat Packing where all the hot clubs, nightlife and dinning is. The following day was Saturday and unfortunately it was the day my friend was to leave. She left and life went back to normal.....sort of.
Since I last wrote so many wild things have happened. To start I had two of my girlfriends visit me for a weekend, which was a blast. We dined at a fan little Italian place down the street from me and we met some very interesting people. They were from NY and were super friendly. We even took pictures together we were all laughing so much. Another night we decided to get all glamed up and go out on the town. Which is just what we did. We went to the Kimberly Suites Hotel and upon our arrival they informed us, the rooftop was closed for a private party. Whaaaat! Yikes thats no good. We were wanting to stay in the neighborhood so we ventured over to Bickman Tower, and believe it or not they too were closed for a private party! However the difference between these two is the outcome. You see the three of us decided to go into the private rooftop party and blend in. Which is exactlly what we did, and we had a ball! There were so many people there nobody even noticed we were not part of the blast n a half they were having on the rooftop. After several delic drinks we ventured back home and had a ton of laughs. Then Sunday came and the girls had to leave. Boo hoo then I was a little sad, I love having my friends near me.
The following weekend another girlfriend came to visit. She has been here a few other times to visit me but I did not know the city to well then. Now I am a pro and would be able to swing her all around the streets on Manhattan with out any problems at all. So while she was here for almost a week, we shopped, ate, partied, and drank! We had so much fun! One of the nights sticks out specifically. Thats a Thursday night when she and I decided to try a Wine bar near me. I had always wanted to go but never made it there, until this night. She and I ordered a bottle and appetizer and laughed the night away. Having her company was so beautiful and I wished she could stay forever. Sadly she could not. So the next night was a Friday night and we decided to go out dancing. Gansenvort was my choice and what a blast of fun we had. We stayed there till it was closed and they forced us to go home. Gansenvort is in the Meat Packing where all the hot clubs, nightlife and dinning is. The following day was Saturday and unfortunately it was the day my friend was to leave. She left and life went back to normal.....sort of.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Hannah Visit

Friday, July 2, 2010
Wow what a great day! I made an apt with Rod Goodman to take my headshots and today we scheduled to meet. I must say walking up to his studio was pretty cool. To think that I have finally made an appointment that has been hanging over my head for a while now, is liberating to have accomplished it. So back to today. We met I love his studio and he seems very easy to work with. I think the shoot will give me the results in which I am seeking. I chatted with my brother and what a great conversation we had, I am always excited to talk with him. Hes the best big brother a girl would have. Sadly he I do not see him or the other Leffs as much as I would like. After the meeting the chatting and the strolling around the city in my super sexy plum colored heels I came home to chill for a bit. My girlfriend Penny and I had decided to get a drink later so I wanted to take a little nap before hand, but when I got home my roommate was home so we talked a bit. Then later came and it was drink time with my girl Penny. I walked over to MIdtown to a little place on 55th just off 5th ave. The company and conversation was as good as it always is with Penny. The time flew by and the time for us to leave had approached. We said our nite nites and went our separate ways. Now I am back at my apartment and it is so quiet here. Both of my roommates have gone out of town. I drove one of them to the airport in Newark NJ yesterday and what an adventure! Holly cow! FYI if going through the Holland Tunnel at rush hour leave about 3 hours early! Yikes!!! It all worked out though we had fun on the crazy ride to the airport. On my way back to Manhattan I decided to return my ac unit at walmart. So I GPS ed my self to the nearest one and baaam I was there. Yea I was there all right for like 4 hours!! What the?!?!? I mean I did go to another a few other stores so 4 hours really is nothing. Back to today... I am about to shut this computer off but Letterman has a man on talking about what he calls a floating trash island. He is speaking about the plastics in the ocean and sea. It is so interesting, a topic I am very interested in. I am huge on loving Mother Earth! I will have to look into what he is talking about. He says its killing sea life and how plastic bags suffocate the coral :( so sad. BPs oil gushing into the ocean is super sad and I will update us on that soon. Capt Charles Moore I believe letterman just stated as the name of this guest.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Getting it done!
Well I have scheduled my head shots for July 19th! I am so excited and nervous! Now it is time to run out to Rays beauty supply in midtown. Made some great vegie tacos for lunch and mmm mmm good!
I think my pinky toe is broken :( two weeks ago smashed it and it turned all black and blue. Being that I have never had a break I did not know if it was broke but 2 weeks later and my toe is still swollen. I still have pain when touched or moved and a constant numbing pain ............. its broken :(
I think my pinky toe is broken :( two weeks ago smashed it and it turned all black and blue. Being that I have never had a break I did not know if it was broke but 2 weeks later and my toe is still swollen. I still have pain when touched or moved and a constant numbing pain ............. its broken :(
while on hold........
So as I sit here on hold for the IRS to give me the info I need, I will write to you. Yesterday was fun. I went shopping for many hours which is something I love to do. I dont just buy whatever, whenever wherever but i buy wherever BUT only items that are smashing price slashers. I have a nose for the deals and do consider it a gift. My friends and family are forever telling me that I should be a personal shopper, I have a gift. For me to spend 6 straight hours shopping through clearance and sale bins just gives me a rush that is so fulfilling. I love love love to shop. Manhattan has excellent shopping for discounts, CONWAY is a great spot I like to hit up. They dont allow you to try the cloths on but they do allow you to return them up to 30 days, DAFFY'S is another hot spot for deals. There are a few jewelry shops here that sell jewels for 1 to three dollars, and its nice! NYC has really been excellent for me in many ways and finding deals has defiantly been on the top of the list. There are all sorts of coupons and frequent shopper cards that many stores also offer, I suggest taking full advantage of these as long as they are free or relatively free. After shopping at Herald Square and enjoying the amazing breeze and fabulous sunset I journeyed over to Union Square. Union Square was as busy as it could be. The street vendors and chess players had flooded the area. The feeling of unity was all in the air. It amazez me how NYC is, with all these people you would think of it to be clustered. Not the case at all though, it is so organized and people get along here in such a way I have never seen. The folks here are friendly and welcoming. You are always in someone's "personal space" and its never a problem. I am really enjoying the New Yorkers and their personalities. The feeling of love thy neighbor is so potent it almost chokes you. Well the IRS lady in now on the line with me yippie!! So until later.....
Monday, June 28, 2010

So much has been happening and I have been negligent in sharing. Here I am with an update on things. Since we saw each other baaaack in February I have since left my job and moved into the city full time. WOW what a change. NYC is fab, fun, frustrating and funny! The lifestyle here is defiantly different then anything I am used to. People here travel by foot, bus, cab, horse, bike, car, rollerblades, scooters, skateboards and traina in the rain sleet sun or snow! You are always running everywhere. I was spoiled last two winters and summers because I was working indoors. NNOOOOOOOOOOw however it is all changing, talk about a reality check ummm hmmm. So now I am one of the fast paced New Yorkers hailing cabs and running to catch the train. Speaking of running to catch trains.
My Uncle Jerry has come to visit for a reunion w his and Daddys friends, he and I have been having so much fun. Anyways he and I were catching the s train in Times Square and as we are walking into the station we see the train racing up! Ahhh so we looked at each other and I asked can you run, obviously that was a silly questions because next thing I know hes 30 feet in front of me! Daaaaaaaaaaang Uncle Jerry! You can take the guy out of New York but you cant take the New York outtah the guy! We were laughing and had such a great time. Needless to say we ended up hopping a few other trains and just had a blast with all the "connections" and transfers. He was super impressed how easily I managed for us to get around. I must say once he brought it to my attention he made me recall how challenging it was when I first started w this type of travel. Leaving me feeling pretty darn good at what I have learned and how well I have put that knowledge to use. Daddy would be so proud and mamma well she is proud! Ok back to what I was saying before I got side tracked.
I moved into my apt which is in Midtown East in a beautiful area. I am right near the East river and have been living it up! I have 2 roomies which is all new to me. In Florida you do not have roomies so that has been a learning experience in its own. Fortunately the girls I live with are super cool and we get along so very well. It is nice to have the company and conversation for sure, if they were not here I would be alone so much and I do not like to be alone. I enjoy seeing people and having company over, so it is very nice. So the roomie thing is fine even with all the challenges like who did not wash their dishes or clean up. Yikes being that I am an over the top clean and tidy gal this had been hard to look past. Being here living with others has tested my patience and has helped me remember that some things are just best not to get all pissed off about. I like that actually because I think I haver a tendency to be anal when it comes to housework and germs. I have grown a ton from just having roomies.NYC has been wonderful in so many ways. The girls are about 11 years younger then me at that so its funny to be here with them as they go through what we all went through at that age. So I really cant fault them when they walk in the apt with their shoes on ( barfola by the way, think of all the city slime being tracked through the apt.) needless to say I mop like every other day. Or when they go out instead of staying in and doing their dishes, like I do. I mean after all then I was in my 20s yikes we wont even go there. So all n all it has really been fun fun fun frustration frustrating frustration. You see the space that we live in is what I would call small and tiny. My room alone is the size of 2 walk in closets and I just dont get it. How in the world do people live like this forever?? I have had to craft my room out like no other. My closet is bursting with extenders and crafts hanging ideas. The bathroom is so small I have already cracked my elbow open on the dang towel rack. My elbow was actually cut open when I attempted to put on my rob once showered, this usually doesnt take a lot of skill but this time smash click pain sets in .......... awwwwww son of a lint lickin pickle eating souther mother! Apparently you have to re learn all you once knew just to manage a NYC apts tin y size. I have accidently knocked over 4 wine glasses that were my roomies. But dang they were not washed and on the counter so when I was doing my dishes hers were in the way , I turned around and bumped her glass which smashed into pieces all over! OYE VEY! Now I have glass to clean up, really???? Cant I catch a break? Yeah a break thats is what I will catch about 3 more time with wine glasses, ugh. The good thing also about having roomies is the help they can give you. You see here in NYC the living is quite unique lets call it. My building is a brownstone, so it has no elevator, its very old, no ac, very narrow beautiful marble staircase and just absolutely gorgeous! Once I moved in I see that I need an AC unit the girl living here before took it out after I signed the lease. Real nice I know! It is about 100 degreees with more humidity then I have ever seen before! An AC unit was needed immediatly. Once bought I had to call upon the assistance of one of my roomies to help me get this honking ac unit up 5 flights of stairs. Once I purchased the AC unitl, luged it into my car, then once in the city haha ahah the fun really began. I had to double park while my roomie and I fumbled and mumbled tup 5 flights of skinny stairwell and up to our apt. Sweating and very nervous I was going to get a ticket we just laid the unit down once inside. I ran back down to my car with a huge sigh of relief that I did not get a ticket. IIt would be my 4th one since I moved here last year. So no ticket I was happy! Then I remembered I had to find parking uggggh! So the happy wore off pretty quickly, Nope no street parking but thank God there are plenty of garages that only charge 10 for a half hour ahhh hhh yes thats right 10 bux a half hour. So no no no no that was not happening for me long term. So I ran home got online printed out a paring coupon and used a coupon that saved me about 50 bx! The happy returned after that.
Once my sweet little ride was parked I walked home to install my chilly AC unit. Geeze getting it out of the box was like harder then it looked for sure. It was packed in so tight you really needed two people to pull it out. But I did not have two people and since the roomies were now at work and its no guarantee they will be home after work. So I needed to get it done by myself, so thats what I did. After the rigorous installation I traded that bad boy on and ahhh cold air gushes out. Now thats what I am talking about! It is so hot in the apt the living area has no AC! So having one in my room was the only source of cold air for me. I was so happy and relieved to have air. I then went through the applications to set the temp and uh o whats that??? It doesnt set?? No here let me try another way, no stil nothing. Let me read the manual and the troubleshooting part very well. Ok read and done, still not working. I figure lets give it a day or so to get adjusted aI mean after all, I know how it takes one to adjust to NYC so maybe AC is going through that too. Well 3 days later still the same problems. O no this is not good. Now the unit is starting to make a noise that only a dog should be able to hear. Well I call the company and they inform me that I need to return the unit. Whats that I ask?? Return it??? O brother. So this means I have to take out all the window bolts they tell you to instal on the unit, remove everything around the unit to I can get it out of the window. Shimmey it onto the floor, get in into the box and duffel bag I used to transport it. Get my car back to illegal double parking and once again ask for help to get it to my car so I can get it from my apt, to my car. from the car to the cart from the cart to the store from the store to the return counter, stand in line and be given a hard time about my return only to have to buy another one and start bck from square one. O brother ........ what doesnt kill yah ..........makes you wanna have a drink!
What doesnt kill you makes you............. wanna drink!
So much has been happening and I have been negligent in sharing. Here I am with an update on things. Since we saw each other baaaack in February I have since left my job and moved into the city full time. WOW what a change. NYC is fab, fun, frustrating and funny! The lifestyle here is defiantly different then anything I am used to. People here travel by foot, bus, cab, horse, bike, car, rollerblades, scooters, skateboards and traina in the rain sleet sun or snow! You are always running everywhere. I was spoiled last two winters and summers because I was working indoors. NNOOOOOOOOOOw however it is all changing, talk about a reality check ummm hmmm. So now I am one of the fast paced New Yorkers hailing cabs and running to catch the train. Speaking of running to catch trains.
My Uncle Jerry has come to visit for a reunion w his and Daddys friends, he and I have been having so much fun. Anyways he and I were catching the s train in Times Square and as we are walking into the station we see the train racing up! Ahhh so we looked at each other and I asked can you run, obviously that was a silly questions because next thing I know hes 30 feet in front of me! Daaaaaaaaaaang Uncle Jerry! You can take the guy out of New York but you cant take the New York outtah the guy! We were laughing and had such a great time. Needless to say we ended up hopping a few other trains and just had a blast with all the "connections" and transfers. He was super impressed how easily I managed for us to get around. I must say once he brought it to my attention he made me recall how challenging it was when I first started w this type of travel. Leaving me feeling pretty darn good at what I have learned and how well I have put that knowledge to use. Daddy would be so proud and mamma well she is proud! Ok back to what I was saying before I got side tracked.
I moved into my apt which is in Midtown East in a beautiful area. I am right near the East river and have been living it up! I have 2 roomies which is all new to me. In Florida you do not have roomies so that has been a learning experience in its own. Fortunately the girls I live with are super cool and we get along so very well. It is nice to have the company and conversation for sure, if they were not here I would be alone so much and I do not like to be alone. I enjoy seeing people and having company over, so it is very nice. So the roomie thing is fine even with all the challenges like who did not wash their dishes or clean up. Yikes being that I am an over the top clean and tidy gal this had been hard to look past. Being here living with others has tested my patience and has helped me remember that some things are just best not to get all pissed off about. I like that actually because I think I haver a tendency to be anal when it comes to housework and germs. I have grown a ton from just having roomies.NYC has been wonderful in so many ways. The girls are about 11 years younger then me at that so its funny to be here with them as they go through what we all went through at that age. So I really cant fault them when they walk in the apt with their shoes on ( barfola by the way, think of all the city slime being tracked through the apt.) needless to say I mop like every other day. Or when they go out instead of staying in and doing their dishes, like I do. I mean after all then I was in my 20s yikes we wont even go there. So all n all it has really been fun fun fun frustration frustrating frustration. You see the space that we live in is what I would call small and tiny. My room alone is the size of 2 walk in closets and I just dont get it. How in the world do people live like this forever?? I have had to craft my room out like no other. My closet is bursting with extenders and crafts hanging ideas. The bathroom is so small I have already cracked my elbow open on the dang towel rack. My elbow was actually cut open when I attempted to put on my rob once showered, this usually doesnt take a lot of skill but this time smash click pain sets in .......... awwwwww son of a lint lickin pickle eating souther mother! Apparently you have to re learn all you once knew just to manage a NYC apts tin y size. I have accidently knocked over 4 wine glasses that were my roomies. But dang they were not washed and on the counter so when I was doing my dishes hers were in the way , I turned around and bumped her glass which smashed into pieces all over! OYE VEY! Now I have glass to clean up, really???? Cant I catch a break? Yeah a break thats is what I will catch about 3 more time with wine glasses, ugh. The good thing also about having roomies is the help they can give you. You see here in NYC the living is quite unique lets call it. My building is a brownstone, so it has no elevator, its very old, no ac, very narrow beautiful marble staircase and just absolutely gorgeous! Once I moved in I see that I need an AC unit the girl living here before took it out after I signed the lease. Real nice I know! It is about 100 degreees with more humidity then I have ever seen before! An AC unit was needed immediatly. Once bought I had to call upon the assistance of one of my roomies to help me get this honking ac unit up 5 flights of stairs. Once I purchased the AC unitl, luged it into my car, then once in the city haha ahah the fun really began. I had to double park while my roomie and I fumbled and mumbled tup 5 flights of skinny stairwell and up to our apt. Sweating and very nervous I was going to get a ticket we just laid the unit down once inside. I ran back down to my car with a huge sigh of relief that I did not get a ticket. IIt would be my 4th one since I moved here last year. So no ticket I was happy! Then I remembered I had to find parking uggggh! So the happy wore off pretty quickly, Nope no street parking but thank God there are plenty of garages that only charge 10 for a half hour ahhh hhh yes thats right 10 bux a half hour. So no no no no that was not happening for me long term. So I ran home got online printed out a paring coupon and used a coupon that saved me about 50 bx! The happy returned after that.
Once my sweet little ride was parked I walked home to install my chilly AC unit. Geeze getting it out of the box was like harder then it looked for sure. It was packed in so tight you really needed two people to pull it out. But I did not have two people and since the roomies were now at work and its no guarantee they will be home after work. So I needed to get it done by myself, so thats what I did. After the rigorous installation I traded that bad boy on and ahhh cold air gushes out. Now thats what I am talking about! It is so hot in the apt the living area has no AC! So having one in my room was the only source of cold air for me. I was so happy and relieved to have air. I then went through the applications to set the temp and uh o whats that??? It doesnt set?? No here let me try another way, no stil nothing. Let me read the manual and the troubleshooting part very well. Ok read and done, still not working. I figure lets give it a day or so to get adjusted aI mean after all, I know how it takes one to adjust to NYC so maybe AC is going through that too. Well 3 days later still the same problems. O no this is not good. Now the unit is starting to make a noise that only a dog should be able to hear. Well I call the company and they inform me that I need to return the unit. Whats that I ask?? Return it??? O brother. So this means I have to take out all the window bolts they tell you to instal on the unit, remove everything around the unit to I can get it out of the window. Shimmey it onto the floor, get in into the box and duffel bag I used to transport it. Get my car back to illegal double parking and once again ask for help to get it to my car so I can get it from my apt, to my car. from the car to the cart from the cart to the store from the store to the return counter, stand in line and be given a hard time about my return only to have to buy another one and start bck from square one. O brother ........ what doesnt kill yah ..........makes you wanna have a drink!
My Uncle Jerry has come to visit for a reunion w his and Daddys friends, he and I have been having so much fun. Anyways he and I were catching the s train in Times Square and as we are walking into the station we see the train racing up! Ahhh so we looked at each other and I asked can you run, obviously that was a silly questions because next thing I know hes 30 feet in front of me! Daaaaaaaaaaang Uncle Jerry! You can take the guy out of New York but you cant take the New York outtah the guy! We were laughing and had such a great time. Needless to say we ended up hopping a few other trains and just had a blast with all the "connections" and transfers. He was super impressed how easily I managed for us to get around. I must say once he brought it to my attention he made me recall how challenging it was when I first started w this type of travel. Leaving me feeling pretty darn good at what I have learned and how well I have put that knowledge to use. Daddy would be so proud and mamma well she is proud! Ok back to what I was saying before I got side tracked.
I moved into my apt which is in Midtown East in a beautiful area. I am right near the East river and have been living it up! I have 2 roomies which is all new to me. In Florida you do not have roomies so that has been a learning experience in its own. Fortunately the girls I live with are super cool and we get along so very well. It is nice to have the company and conversation for sure, if they were not here I would be alone so much and I do not like to be alone. I enjoy seeing people and having company over, so it is very nice. So the roomie thing is fine even with all the challenges like who did not wash their dishes or clean up. Yikes being that I am an over the top clean and tidy gal this had been hard to look past. Being here living with others has tested my patience and has helped me remember that some things are just best not to get all pissed off about. I like that actually because I think I haver a tendency to be anal when it comes to housework and germs. I have grown a ton from just having roomies.NYC has been wonderful in so many ways. The girls are about 11 years younger then me at that so its funny to be here with them as they go through what we all went through at that age. So I really cant fault them when they walk in the apt with their shoes on ( barfola by the way, think of all the city slime being tracked through the apt.) needless to say I mop like every other day. Or when they go out instead of staying in and doing their dishes, like I do. I mean after all then I was in my 20s yikes we wont even go there. So all n all it has really been fun fun fun frustration frustrating frustration. You see the space that we live in is what I would call small and tiny. My room alone is the size of 2 walk in closets and I just dont get it. How in the world do people live like this forever?? I have had to craft my room out like no other. My closet is bursting with extenders and crafts hanging ideas. The bathroom is so small I have already cracked my elbow open on the dang towel rack. My elbow was actually cut open when I attempted to put on my rob once showered, this usually doesnt take a lot of skill but this time smash click pain sets in .......... awwwwww son of a lint lickin pickle eating souther mother! Apparently you have to re learn all you once knew just to manage a NYC apts tin y size. I have accidently knocked over 4 wine glasses that were my roomies. But dang they were not washed and on the counter so when I was doing my dishes hers were in the way , I turned around and bumped her glass which smashed into pieces all over! OYE VEY! Now I have glass to clean up, really???? Cant I catch a break? Yeah a break thats is what I will catch about 3 more time with wine glasses, ugh. The good thing also about having roomies is the help they can give you. You see here in NYC the living is quite unique lets call it. My building is a brownstone, so it has no elevator, its very old, no ac, very narrow beautiful marble staircase and just absolutely gorgeous! Once I moved in I see that I need an AC unit the girl living here before took it out after I signed the lease. Real nice I know! It is about 100 degreees with more humidity then I have ever seen before! An AC unit was needed immediatly. Once bought I had to call upon the assistance of one of my roomies to help me get this honking ac unit up 5 flights of stairs. Once I purchased the AC unitl, luged it into my car, then once in the city haha ahah the fun really began. I had to double park while my roomie and I fumbled and mumbled tup 5 flights of skinny stairwell and up to our apt. Sweating and very nervous I was going to get a ticket we just laid the unit down once inside. I ran back down to my car with a huge sigh of relief that I did not get a ticket. IIt would be my 4th one since I moved here last year. So no ticket I was happy! Then I remembered I had to find parking uggggh! So the happy wore off pretty quickly, Nope no street parking but thank God there are plenty of garages that only charge 10 for a half hour ahhh hhh yes thats right 10 bux a half hour. So no no no no that was not happening for me long term. So I ran home got online printed out a paring coupon and used a coupon that saved me about 50 bx! The happy returned after that.
Once my sweet little ride was parked I walked home to install my chilly AC unit. Geeze getting it out of the box was like harder then it looked for sure. It was packed in so tight you really needed two people to pull it out. But I did not have two people and since the roomies were now at work and its no guarantee they will be home after work. So I needed to get it done by myself, so thats what I did. After the rigorous installation I traded that bad boy on and ahhh cold air gushes out. Now thats what I am talking about! It is so hot in the apt the living area has no AC! So having one in my room was the only source of cold air for me. I was so happy and relieved to have air. I then went through the applications to set the temp and uh o whats that??? It doesnt set?? No here let me try another way, no stil nothing. Let me read the manual and the troubleshooting part very well. Ok read and done, still not working. I figure lets give it a day or so to get adjusted aI mean after all, I know how it takes one to adjust to NYC so maybe AC is going through that too. Well 3 days later still the same problems. O no this is not good. Now the unit is starting to make a noise that only a dog should be able to hear. Well I call the company and they inform me that I need to return the unit. Whats that I ask?? Return it??? O brother. So this means I have to take out all the window bolts they tell you to instal on the unit, remove everything around the unit to I can get it out of the window. Shimmey it onto the floor, get in into the box and duffel bag I used to transport it. Get my car back to illegal double parking and once again ask for help to get it to my car so I can get it from my apt, to my car. from the car to the cart from the cart to the store from the store to the return counter, stand in line and be given a hard time about my return only to have to buy another one and start bck from square one. O brother ........ what doesnt kill yah ..........makes you wanna have a drink!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Today is a new day 3-5-2010
i must say that living in NY has opened my eyes to more life has to offer. NYC by far the highlight of living in NY, I mean that is the entire reason I moved up here. I moved up here after making Fort Lauderdale my home of 16 years.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Day one.. 2-27-2010

So anyways I guess I should back up and tell you a little about myself. My name is Alee and I am a world traveler. No not really well the Alee part is true , world travel not so much. I do however a bit of traveling through life as we all do. I do love to travel and spend lots of time going here and going there, its fun. The things I find most important is my faith, preserving the earth, helping animals and people, family and friends. I am very blessed to have the life I have. There is nothing spectacular about my life other then I love it, a lot at that. I love life so much it brings tears to my eyes. I find beauty in most things and always stop to smell the roses. There is so much opportunity in life to be happy and I try to snatch it all up. I forgive but do not forget, I love and try not to hate and I am smart but not a Harvard grad. My life is important to me and I see that it is important to others who know and love me. People can make you or brake you if you let them and I can truly say that the ones who tried to break me broke themselves and the ones who love me I love back. So for now that is it......
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Just when one thinks they have life a little figured out .......there is that smack in the face and reminds me who's in charge.
I am very excited to report that tomorrow I will visit with a woman by the name of Hannah who is like a grandma to me. She and I became fr...
It's a funny thing how the heart and mind work. Sometimes together and sometimes not. Longing for that person that fills both, the mind ...