Saturday morning on the way to the Hampton's for work. It may sound all fun and glamours going to the Hampton's but really it is not. After all you must remember that I am going to work not play, and there is nobody there that I am friends with. Sure there is beautiful walks I can take at ten pm when I am off work but really at that point all I want to do is crash. Working with kids is a very physical and mentally demanding job. I do not know how some families have 4 kids and more. It is part of my responsibility to take care of two small kids and one baby on the way. The Hampton's where we go is quite beautiful. It is called Bridgehampton, there are tons of farms and organic pick your own stops everywhere. It is about an hour and a half from the city, unless we hit traffic. Boy when there is traffic here it is a ton filled with pedestrians, cars, trucks, delivery vehicles, cyclist, horse and carriage, vespas, skateboarders and so much more you cant even imagine!! NYC is incredible! To my surprise however this city is amazing whit traffic. There is so much congestion yet it flows so well. I don't know how they do it but I think it is a combination of man y things one being the fact people here work together. I think you almost have to work together in this crazy city. You are always in other peoples personal space you must be able to tolerate and work with others here. It a very interesting blend here, the community is so independent and keeps to themselves but the other end is that they are also so unified with others work together . So enough about all that lets get to some good juice in my life......
I started aggressively dating a few months ago. After the last relationship I had ended I just chose not to date for a while, like for a year while. Then I met a guy that sparked my interest and that is what got me back into dating. I have been so busy with these boys its been a blast! I never knew dating could be so much fun. Dating in NYC is like nothing I have ever been exposed to before. There have been some pretty hilarious dates I have been on that's for sure! There is actually one boy that I am possibly becoming a little sweet on. We have been having such great fun together and I am liking it very much. We have been chatting for about a month only so its always a ball in the beginning. I am liking his company very much. While we were out the other night in the Meat Packing district dinning, who other then Kelsey Gammer strolled right in and was greeted by a some friends! I was like uhhhhhh really! That was my first star experience where they are chilling like its no big thing out in public. He looks older in person then on screen, but was defiantly recognizable. You know some stars you would not recognize if they walked right past you but him nahh he was so him! I was loving life. I felt a little high all of a sudden, it was an amazing experience for me.
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