Well here I am on a flight back home to Ft. Lauderdale. The car picked me up at 430 am and my flight left promptly at 630 am. Flying out of LGA is so easy I love it! After watching the sun come up over the city it was time to board the bird. The line went fast and smooth ahh Spirit airlines I thank you. Now I am flying high above the clouds and the view is magnificent. Looking down at the clouds is an whole new perspective as opposed to laying underneath them. The clouds are so beautiful, each is unique to the next, no two are alike. Remember as a child playing the game of what shapes , faces or animals you could find by staring at the clouds. I remember finding all kinds of animals in the clouds. It was always best when my brother or sister would be playing with me and we would share in each others excitement in our discoveries. The billowing clouds are so cool they just dance around the sky, sometimes together while other times by themselves. Clouds have such personality! Clouds are very important they give us so much. If it were not for clouds we would have no shade, no rain, and nothing to dream about walking on. The old saying to walk on the clouds would be quite intoxicating if only we really could walk on them. I think this may be as close as we get to walking on them. One of these days I want to parachute out of a plane and see how that feels. There is something I have always loved about flying, something that fills me with emotions that are at times overwhelming. Not sure when it all started but as a young person I had dreamed of becoming a flight attendant. For many years that was my dream. I took it so far as to apply with United around the age of 22. I remember the interview was in Miami and very extensive. After the 1st interview if they liked you then you were called to a second interview in Chicago and then after that they would confirm you either have the job or don't. One of the questions on the application was do you know a 2nd language, I know sign language so I put that down. Another was would you relocate for the position, my answer was no. So after the first grueling interview was over I went home and went about my life as I waited for the envelope to come. The envelope would contain my acceptance for the 2nd interview or my letter of no thanks Alee we don't need you. Well when the big manila envelope finally arrived I was so nervous and super excited to see what fiat lies inside. I opened it up only to see that there was a 2nd interview request!! Yippie I jumped for joy and called my parents immediately! They were so proud of me and very thrilled for whatever the future was to hold for me. My parents always supported me with genuine emotion.
United was going to fly me to Chicago for a 2nd interview! Wow you talk about excited! I was so happy. They required you to have a navy blue suit on for the interview, so I ran to Macys and bought one. I was looking very sharp in my new suit and feeling like I had the world in the palm of my hand. The day finally arrived and I was to fly off to Chicago and interview with the main headquarters. The interview was shorter then the first and there were very few applicants. They seemed to focus in on the fact I did not want to relocate and that I did not know Spanish but I did not let that slow me down. I pushed through the interview process focusing on what I can do as opposed to what I cannot or will not do. Once the interview was complete they flew all 10 of us back home and again the waiting process began. About 2 weeks later another manila envelope arrived in the mail and once again I tore into it with great excitement. Only to read that they had gracefully declined the option to hire me :( well well well now that's not what I had expected. I was very disappointed to say the least. Turns out relocating was part of the job and I will be honest as crushed as I was , I was OK with. I asked myself if I would be happy relocating and leaving my family the answer was no so I was actually fine. It did take a while to shake the ugh feeling of not getting a job I had tried so desperately to get. I was hoping United would hire me local but when you are a new hire it just does not work that way. So I picked myself up and continued on with a new blue suit that was very sharp and I knew I could use it some other time. I never did re apply for a flight attendant position. after that I sort of lost my will for it. I do think I would have made an excellent flight attendant and I think it would have been so much fun. I was angry and upset for a while but once I reminded myself that God has a plan and t trust in that plan then I was able to really be at peace with the decision of United. Needless to say I did not fly United after that ;)
I do however still have an extra application I had taken with the thoughts of reapplying which you could do only after 30 days. Once that 30 days rolled around I had no interest but I saved the application to remind myself of the past and of the journey I have had in life. Its saving little things like the application that has given me the ability to have a more clear recollection of my life.
A blog on the random life of Alee. Join me on my journey through life and see it through my eyes. I take the good with the bad and try to find the positive to all things.
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Just when one thinks they have life a little figured out .......there is that smack in the face and reminds me who's in charge.
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