A blog on the random life of Alee. Join me on my journey through life and see it through my eyes. I take the good with the bad and try to find the positive to all things.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Hannah Visit
I am very excited to report that tomorrow I will visit with a woman by the name of Hannah who is like a grandma to me. She and I became friends when I lived in Hollywood, Fl. She has filled my life with so much happiness and love. She never judges or condemns you for anything. Her niece lives here in Long Beach, NY. Which is about an hour or 2 from me. So I will be driving out there to visit with her and I could not be more excited. Last time I saw her was in March when I went home for my Sweet 36th. I cant wait to see Hannah and to visit a new area of New York. It is supposed to be beautiful where she is,so it will be fun fun fun !
Backing up a few days to July 4th. Penny and I spent the day trolling around the city having fun. We started off at Sheep Meadow in Central Park, It is where the New Yorkers go to lay out. What a huge, pretty. peaceful open meadow it is. The day was filled with lots of sun, giggles and some nice good old fashioned........... vodka. We had planned on watching the Macys Fireworks over the Hudson at 920 pm so we decided to go home and relax for a bit before going back out into the city. The city really takes a lot out of you. There is so much walking and right now its been in the 90s with little to no breeze. So you are hot and sweaty outside walking or catching the train. Taking a cab is rarely done because it adds up at the end of the month to be more then a car payment. After we went home and freshened up we met up t watch the fireworks. Apparently it is a pretty famous show that is televised so being there in person was super cool We were shuffled into an area with about a million others and we ended up all on the road. People put there things down and just like that we were all ready to watch the show. The show tool place and wow! Talk about being at a loss of words. The noise and light from the show was just overwhelming. I tried to just take it all in but it was so hard to do. What a blessing to be there and here in Manhattn NY!! The fireworks was just under a half hour. After the show was done we walked around Times Square taking pix and having fun. The night grew late fast and we needed to be responsible and journey back to our places. Which is just what we did. I had a wonderful day! Happy birthday to America!!
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