Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Garage sale

This weekend was an exhausting one. I came back home to clean out my over sized and over stuffed storage unit. After doing so I had an eventful little garage sale. I sold things I didn't think I'd ever part with and things I had no idea how I acquired. My Aunt had the GS with me, as we all know its a two woman job to man these things. Saturday  we were up and out the door by 630am! Now for some thins might be a normal hour to be up an out but we are not two of those people. That being said...... We were clearly feeling ambitious. 

Saturday was a major hit. People were flowing in almost non stop! It was quite the day. Once the day came to an end we were super thrilled with the success we had. As Sunday morning rolled around we were feeling even more ambitious as the last so up and out by 615! We set up the table put all our stuff out and waited. And waited and waited. By  9am we had only about 3 customers. 10 rolls around and Still we hear crickets so by 10:30 we pulled up the signs and closed up shop. We were defiantly disappointed about the lack of financial gain but we certainly had a fun time. My two nieces who are both under the age of 9, assisted us. They were quite the busy bees as they tried on the high heels I was selling and danced the hookah hoop. Boy are kids something. 

It was a hot day as it tends to be in Fort Lauderdale so into the pool we all went diving and swimming galore. We did canon balls and pencil dives too, we played pool games like when I was a kid. Same pool too. Pretty neat the amount of history that one pool has. 

What a great weekend! 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Figuring this out

Watching people at the beach is always a fun time. People laughing and cutting loose. Grilling out and playing all sorts of beach games. It's neat. I have found myself in an odd balance of what I want in life and how I'm getting it. Sometimes we want things for ourself that we think will complete our happiness only to revive said things and then you find out there's actually more to life and happiness. I do believe that the people we have in our lives can make us or break up. I am finding that jealousy and small minds are very prevalent among some adults especially men. It's strange for me to experience this at my age. 
You see to sum it up I've met this pretty amazing man. He has become someone I can see in my future and I am giving this my best shot. We laugh together so much it fills my soul with joy and flutters of happiness. We talk and have some pretty deep conversations. He's smart and loving too. He is a pretty cool guy and a real family man, which I must say is  a huge attraction! 

Well the funny thing here is a few people he's close with well really it's just one person... But this one person has been quite mean to what my guy and I are sharing. His behavior and the things he says are completely unsupportive. It's almost as if he is jealous that my guy and I are happy. He makes digs to me each chance he gets and continually questions me about personal things that really are none of his business. Interesting to observe this person. I would think a grown man would act the opposite. Very funny and pathetic guess this shows you that you can't please everyone so don't try. Love is a beautiful important emotion to which I embrace on enormous levels. 
So thank you to this shallow and selfish person for showing me of just who you really are...  :) peace brother. 

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Back in NYC

Life is full of surprises and this is something I already knew. The recent life events brings a new definition to "surprise"......

there must be a magnetic force between the Big Apple and Me. March moved me back down to Fort Lauderdale only
To brings back here and I couldn't be happier. This is a city that challenges you and pushed you past what you knew. There is so much great excitement here the subways alone are a thrill! This week has been Central Park fun in the evening. It's the summer film festival some awesome friends and I watched West Side story ahhhhh magical! We had an incredible picnic too.  Can't even explain the emotional movement I experienced. There were a few hundred people enjoying the movie as well with clapping singing and joining in on the whistling in the movie. It was a magical experience.it was the first time I have ever seen the movie. I couldn't believe my eyes it brought me to tears. I felt like I was living  a dream. 

Friday, May 17, 2013


Enjoying the outer boundaries of my taste buds, I have found myself at a local Thai restaurant. The aromas in here are unbelievable and there's no way to determine just exactly what it is that smells so good. Really I love it!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Enjoy the moment

Laughing can cure more things then you know..... It cures a broken heart, a headache, a quite room, an empty mind .......

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Golden Gate Bridge

Yesterday was a day filled with so many adventures and so much happiness. My sister and I walked across the Golden Gate Bridge together. Our mom took this same journey a year back and loved it. So yesterday it was our turn. The weather was perfect. The fog rolled in so delicately yet was very fierce. We soaked up the environment and the moment. The day was long and filled with miles and miles of walking and hiking around. We made out way to Sausalito where we had a delicious local lunch at an eclectic little taco shop, then to a fun ice cream shop. The food and ice cream was beyond tasty. Sis n I had a wonderful time. We took the ferry back to SF and just basked in the glory of the day.

On the Muni

In San Francisco exploring Gods country. There is nothing like the west coast. The way people think out here is quite unique to others areas of the United States. Not to mention how involved with keeping the earth healthy people here are. I am infatuated with all of the recycling and the uses for the recycled goods. Mother Earth has given us so many beautiful wonderful magical gifts and to repay her in a positive way make me happy. I myself have been a huge advocate with recycling. Living on the East coast i see how little people are concerned with it but out in SF it's the opposite. Granted there are plenty of individuals that are concerned about the earth and treating her with love ..... But nothing like out here.

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Hanging out in California! The universe sent me on a little trip to connect with my sister. Couldn't be happier.

Monday, April 29, 2013


Yes yes yes HELLO KITTY makes millions happy.


It's a funny thing how the heart and mind work. Sometimes together and sometimes not. Longing for that person that fills both, the mind with stimulating conversations and plenty of laughter and the heart with loyalty and tenderness.People come and people go Throughout our lives and sadly we have a tendency to forget to cherish the loves ones that stay. Sometimes longing for the ones no longer around while sometimes being so grateful they left. The heart can say go just go while the mind says hell no! The heart will tell us to love and be free yet the mind can remind us just how foolish that is....... Sometimes you need to take a leap of faith and sometimes that means doing nothing at all.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Life is life ...

Fort Lauderdale beaches are so heavenly. On the very busy weekend of the Air and Sea show I decided to head a little south. Beach time is always calming and playful.

Oh bother I am wondering why in the world life is so challenging yet so magnificent?!? The rain is poring down, I'm broke, have to improve on so many things yet....... I am beyond happy!! I firmly believe that because of loosing my father to cancer within 5 short months I have a unique appreciation for life. :)