Sunday, September 1, 2013

Figuring this out

Watching people at the beach is always a fun time. People laughing and cutting loose. Grilling out and playing all sorts of beach games. It's neat. I have found myself in an odd balance of what I want in life and how I'm getting it. Sometimes we want things for ourself that we think will complete our happiness only to revive said things and then you find out there's actually more to life and happiness. I do believe that the people we have in our lives can make us or break up. I am finding that jealousy and small minds are very prevalent among some adults especially men. It's strange for me to experience this at my age. 
You see to sum it up I've met this pretty amazing man. He has become someone I can see in my future and I am giving this my best shot. We laugh together so much it fills my soul with joy and flutters of happiness. We talk and have some pretty deep conversations. He's smart and loving too. He is a pretty cool guy and a real family man, which I must say is  a huge attraction! 

Well the funny thing here is a few people he's close with well really it's just one person... But this one person has been quite mean to what my guy and I are sharing. His behavior and the things he says are completely unsupportive. It's almost as if he is jealous that my guy and I are happy. He makes digs to me each chance he gets and continually questions me about personal things that really are none of his business. Interesting to observe this person. I would think a grown man would act the opposite. Very funny and pathetic guess this shows you that you can't please everyone so don't try. Love is a beautiful important emotion to which I embrace on enormous levels. 
So thank you to this shallow and selfish person for showing me of just who you really are...  :) peace brother. 

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