Welp I am feeling so much better today :) Now the daunting task of finding a new place to live. I have to move at the end of the month and honestly I am feeling a little anxious. I really have fallen in love with my neighborhood and feel quite comfortable here. I know it would be good to move and learn another area, but I am just not wanting to do so. I guess I have just gotten comfortable here and I know the area so well. Manhattan has so many challenges and finding where things are in an area dont just happen over night. There are subways to learn, grocery stores to find, book stores to seek out, new routs to now find to anything everywhere. Ugh so you see it is very hard and overwhelming. Today is another muggy day in Manhattan. I love it here! There are so many challenges here it really kicks your butt. The winter will be here soon and I dread that. I feel so inspired and alive during the warmer months. You can walk around outside with comfort, play in the park and laze under a tree, chill at the beach and feel the sand under your feet, dress with so very little on your body and over all you just feel more free. So when Old Man Winter arrives yikes!!
A blog on the random life of Alee. Join me on my journey through life and see it through my eyes. I take the good with the bad and try to find the positive to all things.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Feeling better.
Welp I am feeling so much better today :) Now the daunting task of finding a new place to live. I have to move at the end of the month and honestly I am feeling a little anxious. I really have fallen in love with my neighborhood and feel quite comfortable here. I know it would be good to move and learn another area, but I am just not wanting to do so. I guess I have just gotten comfortable here and I know the area so well. Manhattan has so many challenges and finding where things are in an area dont just happen over night. There are subways to learn, grocery stores to find, book stores to seek out, new routs to now find to anything everywhere. Ugh so you see it is very hard and overwhelming. Today is another muggy day in Manhattan. I love it here! There are so many challenges here it really kicks your butt. The winter will be here soon and I dread that. I feel so inspired and alive during the warmer months. You can walk around outside with comfort, play in the park and laze under a tree, chill at the beach and feel the sand under your feet, dress with so very little on your body and over all you just feel more free. So when Old Man Winter arrives yikes!!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Frenchie at his best

This pup has one of the best personalities I have ever met. He belongs to a good friend of mine who spoils the heck out of his little man. Boner is the pups name and yes an odd name but none the less it is his name. He is as adorable as adorable comes. I will tell you a funny story........
I was walking Boner, the cutest Frenchie ever, personality to die for and a face you wanna kiss till the day you die. While talking to my mom on my cell. Mom and I were chatting away and Boner was his normal happy sniff sniff self. It was a beautiful day in Lauderdale ( as it usually is ) and things were going quite well and very relaxing until..... Boner breaks free like a mad man and chases another tiny little dog!!! Ahhhhhh oh no!! So naturally I bolt after him screaming his name in the very quiet neighborhood, which is now filled with me screaming Boner come, come Boner, Boooner , Booooooooooooner!! My mom says what the @#$%^&*()!!!!!!!!!!! Alee what are you saying?? She was mortified and quite confused. I had to quickly tell her no ma its the name of the dog I am walking, I gottah go! Poor ma was left to ponder on what just went down as I had to hang up so quickly. Once Boner was retrieved I had to apologize to the lady who Boner ran to. Her cute tiny dog was so frightened, Boner litterly scared the sh^%# out of it. OOps my bad, sorry. Geeze. Now time to call mamma back. Once I had mamma back on the phone we laughed till we could not breath. AAhhhhh just another day my world. Theres always plenty to laugh at!! I just love Boner the dog ( wink wink) and so miss him. He would sleep with me and cuddle, he would go in car rides with me, we dressed him up for Halloween, he was always the life of the party, he loved to play chase, he was my bestez bud for a while there. When his daddy would leave the house and Boner thought he was all alone , he would start to hooooowwwwll continually with a grand bellowing of dismay! Poor little dude would howl like you can not even imagine! On and on you could hear him outside! He's such a delicious little hot mess! Now that I am living in NY I never see him. Well I did create a FB page for him, per his fathers request. So I can see him on there which is better then nothing, So until next trip home and I get me some Boner love I will think of him and remember the fun times.
Just another Tuesday

Well I spent another successful day at the gym I accomplished only 5 miles today but achieved 35 min of hard weights, so I should be happy with that. I broke my run up into two sets which I rarely do, as it leaves me feeling as if my run was less successful. Last week I ran 12 miles in 2 and a half hours, I felt great! I am hoping to enter into a half marathon cancer run, in honor of my daddy. I ran in a tiny 5k about 6 years ago but nothing since then. I have made it a goal that as I get older I will only get better with my self and the things I am able to do. I want to love my body and feel good about the choices I make for my health. I am very much into nutrition, and the way food is grown. I eat very healthy most of the time but sure do like my ice cream. Especially then you share it with someone you love.
Ugh love why did I even mention that word. Love is a mean and nasty yet tender and sweet word for an emotion that causes so much confusion. It has been years since I felt real love. I dont even know if I have really ever had true love other then one time which is more then some so I am blessed I guess. The love lasted almost 6 years and then poof it was gone. I was done and wanted something more, as I always seem to do. He was a nice boy and we are still rather close, well not close but we do chat from time to time. Some days more then others. We have a friendship and a respect for each other that I think is remarkable. Hes a good man, I was just looking for more.
Manhattan is one big piece of art!
A little love from Manhattan
Monday, August 16, 2010
Well I have been just awful in keeping up with my blog. I think about writing but then become distracted with other things in life. Life has been super busy. Today I am on the couch not feeling so well.
Since I last wrote so many wild things have happened. To start I had two of my girlfriends visit me for a weekend, which was a blast. We dined at a fan little Italian place down the street from me and we met some very interesting people. They were from NY and were super friendly. We even took pictures together we were all laughing so much. Another night we decided to get all glamed up and go out on the town. Which is just what we did. We went to the Kimberly Suites Hotel and upon our arrival they informed us, the rooftop was closed for a private party. Whaaaat! Yikes thats no good. We were wanting to stay in the neighborhood so we ventured over to Bickman Tower, and believe it or not they too were closed for a private party! However the difference between these two is the outcome. You see the three of us decided to go into the private rooftop party and blend in. Which is exactlly what we did, and we had a ball! There were so many people there nobody even noticed we were not part of the blast n a half they were having on the rooftop. After several delic drinks we ventured back home and had a ton of laughs. Then Sunday came and the girls had to leave. Boo hoo then I was a little sad, I love having my friends near me.
The following weekend another girlfriend came to visit. She has been here a few other times to visit me but I did not know the city to well then. Now I am a pro and would be able to swing her all around the streets on Manhattan with out any problems at all. So while she was here for almost a week, we shopped, ate, partied, and drank! We had so much fun! One of the nights sticks out specifically. Thats a Thursday night when she and I decided to try a Wine bar near me. I had always wanted to go but never made it there, until this night. She and I ordered a bottle and appetizer and laughed the night away. Having her company was so beautiful and I wished she could stay forever. Sadly she could not. So the next night was a Friday night and we decided to go out dancing. Gansenvort was my choice and what a blast of fun we had. We stayed there till it was closed and they forced us to go home. Gansenvort is in the Meat Packing where all the hot clubs, nightlife and dinning is. The following day was Saturday and unfortunately it was the day my friend was to leave. She left and life went back to normal.....sort of.
Since I last wrote so many wild things have happened. To start I had two of my girlfriends visit me for a weekend, which was a blast. We dined at a fan little Italian place down the street from me and we met some very interesting people. They were from NY and were super friendly. We even took pictures together we were all laughing so much. Another night we decided to get all glamed up and go out on the town. Which is just what we did. We went to the Kimberly Suites Hotel and upon our arrival they informed us, the rooftop was closed for a private party. Whaaaat! Yikes thats no good. We were wanting to stay in the neighborhood so we ventured over to Bickman Tower, and believe it or not they too were closed for a private party! However the difference between these two is the outcome. You see the three of us decided to go into the private rooftop party and blend in. Which is exactlly what we did, and we had a ball! There were so many people there nobody even noticed we were not part of the blast n a half they were having on the rooftop. After several delic drinks we ventured back home and had a ton of laughs. Then Sunday came and the girls had to leave. Boo hoo then I was a little sad, I love having my friends near me.
The following weekend another girlfriend came to visit. She has been here a few other times to visit me but I did not know the city to well then. Now I am a pro and would be able to swing her all around the streets on Manhattan with out any problems at all. So while she was here for almost a week, we shopped, ate, partied, and drank! We had so much fun! One of the nights sticks out specifically. Thats a Thursday night when she and I decided to try a Wine bar near me. I had always wanted to go but never made it there, until this night. She and I ordered a bottle and appetizer and laughed the night away. Having her company was so beautiful and I wished she could stay forever. Sadly she could not. So the next night was a Friday night and we decided to go out dancing. Gansenvort was my choice and what a blast of fun we had. We stayed there till it was closed and they forced us to go home. Gansenvort is in the Meat Packing where all the hot clubs, nightlife and dinning is. The following day was Saturday and unfortunately it was the day my friend was to leave. She left and life went back to normal.....sort of.
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Just when one thinks they have life a little figured out .......there is that smack in the face and reminds me who's in charge.
I am very excited to report that tomorrow I will visit with a woman by the name of Hannah who is like a grandma to me. She and I became fr...
It's a funny thing how the heart and mind work. Sometimes together and sometimes not. Longing for that person that fills both, the mind ...