Saturday I had three wonderful friends drive in from Pa. to celebrate my birthday with me. It was truly exciting and I wish it would have never ended. One of the girls is my best friend ever and shocked me with a birthday gift that left me in tears, good tears. You see I sadly lost my blessed father to cancer some years ago and it has remained a difficult emotion for me to deal with. My bff surprised me with a Star she dedicated for my dad. The star is now named Howie :) it is the coolest thing, it comes with a map of the consultation and tons of information. A beautiful certificate that shows the dedication and truly I was just blown away. I am so blessed to have this girl. So after the tears stopped we were able to pump it up and head on out. Before we went out for the night we took the 6 train to SOHO, where we had a blast. We shopped at DASH, the clothing store owned by the Kardashians. It was pretty neat, there was a line and a doorman letting only a certain number of people in at a time. After we shopped at DASH we headed on our way to find something to dine on. We stumbled onto a little hole in the wall built in 1847! I ordered a salmon sandwich with fries, a shot of cherry vodka and a water. The girls all three had streak and cheese with fires. The food was incredible, the bar tender and wait staff became very friendly with us and we all shared some good laughs. It is definitely a place I will re visit. Once we were finished there we strolled around the city including Times Square and finally headed home around 9pm. Mind you we hit the disney store up like it was made just for us. We all unwound and wanted to stay in at this point. We were full. sleepy and it was coooooold outside. As my BFF lay on the sofa under her blanket I got a kick of second wind. So up up up everyone ( the others were also lounging) "I wanna go out". We had planned to go out to a club and dance the night away but that was quickly changing. How could this be I wondered??? Hmmmm this is not how its going down, I wanna go out and we are going! So I annoyed the tar out of the girls and started getting ready, and the girls realized they were not getting out of this one. They are great sports cause none of them wanted to go they were all laying down ready to sleep. However they do love me so much so up up up they all went. Once we were finished getting ready it was near midnight :) yeah! We challenged the cold outside and grabbed a cab to Greenhouse. I had a little connection tat got us in the door so that was neat. We stayed at Greenhouse a few hours until the girls were so beat we had to leave. I wanted to stay until it closed but...... that was not going to happen. I was happy they went at all so I was ok to leave. I grabbed us a cab and we headed back home. Once home we all crashed out one by one but first I cooked us up some yummi pasta and we gobbled up with great delight. I love my life and I love my friends. I am so blessed Renee' is one of my best friends ever. I am so blessed to have the friends I have, they love and respect me so much and that is the best birthday gift ever!
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