Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fun weekend

Saturday I had three wonderful friends drive in from Pa. to celebrate my birthday with me. It was truly exciting and I wish it would have never ended. One of the girls is my best friend ever and shocked me with a birthday gift that left me in tears, good tears. You see I sadly lost my blessed father to cancer some years ago and it has remained a difficult emotion for me to deal with. My bff surprised me with a Star she dedicated for my dad. The star is now named Howie :) it is the coolest thing, it comes with a map of the consultation and tons of information. A beautiful certificate that shows the dedication and truly I was just blown away. I am so blessed to have this girl. So after the tears stopped we were able to pump it up and head on out. Before we went out for the night we took the 6 train to SOHO, where we had a blast. We shopped at DASH, the clothing store owned by the Kardashians. It was pretty neat, there was a line and a doorman letting only a certain number of people in at a time. After we shopped at DASH we headed on our way to find something to dine on. We stumbled onto a little hole in the wall built in 1847! I ordered a salmon sandwich with fries, a shot of cherry vodka and a water. The girls all three had streak and cheese with fires. The food was incredible, the bar tender and wait staff became very friendly with us and we all shared some good laughs. It is definitely a place I will re visit. Once we were finished there we strolled around the city including Times Square and finally headed home around 9pm. Mind you we hit the disney store up like it was made just for us. We all unwound and wanted to stay in at this point. We were full. sleepy and it was coooooold outside. As my BFF lay on the sofa under her blanket I got a kick of second wind. So up up up everyone ( the others were also lounging) "I wanna go out". We had planned to go out to a club and dance the night away but that was quickly changing. How could this be I wondered??? Hmmmm this is not how its going down, I wanna go out and we are going! So I annoyed the tar out of the girls and started getting ready, and the girls realized they were not getting out of this one. They are great sports cause none of them wanted to go they were all laying down ready to sleep. However they do love me so much so up up up they all went. Once we were finished getting ready it was near midnight :) yeah! We challenged the cold outside and grabbed a cab to Greenhouse. I had a little connection tat got us in the door so that was neat. We stayed at Greenhouse a few hours until the girls were so beat we had to leave. I wanted to stay until it closed but...... that was not going to happen. I was happy they went at all so I was ok to leave. I grabbed us a cab and we headed back home. Once home we all crashed out one by one but first I cooked us up some yummi pasta and we gobbled up with great delight. I love my life and I love my friends. I am so blessed Renee' is one of my best friends ever. I am so blessed to have the friends I have, they love and respect me so much and that is the best birthday gift ever!

Some yummie items I made..

I love to bake and here are just a few mouthwatering samples of my amateur baking and cooking abilities. Creating is fun and I love to make yummy goodies. The woman in my family can cook in amazing ways and a few of us can bake pretty well. I enjoy both quite well and have fun doing it. I hope to improve my cooking and baking so that I continually get better and better at it. Hope you enjoy some pictures of my made to order delights.

yummi bake it cook it and eat it right

Holiday cooking is deffinalty exciting!
I just feel so wonderful when I can cook and bake for others to enjoy.... i feel it is a true blessing.


Treats bringing friends and family together for years...

AHHHHH nothing but delich!!!

Pretty City........NYC.

some yummi delights from the the Union Square Green Market. There are GM z everywhere you can buy fresh local food are just a few steps away.

Hats, standpipes and Taxi stands oo lalalal......

Natural beauty combined with man made beauty makes this city a remarkable place for anyone to enjoy. Lots of charming things are around every corner. Your eyes will amaze themselves as they dance around the cities lovely sights.

You can not help to dive right into this great big city. Taxi stands that date back to he early 1900's and murals made from kids on the streets to express their feelings, murals on vans, street vendors and so much more just light up this wonderful city.

The history is alive and rich here in Manhattan. There is beauty around the city at every turn.

You can walk around the city all day and snap away. There are building that date back to the early 1800's and even farther! It is truly a historical blessing.

there are so many wonderful sights in the city. Standpipes which are unique only in NYC, vendors that that pride their sales of just about anything NY.

Only in New York city.......

Your eyes cant get enough and neither can the mind.

GW Bridge hold the American Flag high and with a mighty pride. The Flatiron building which was built in 1902 stand as one of the most unique buildings in the city.

Antique New York indeed. Love the Schmucks sign the best I must say. Just a little bit of my Jew coming out in me.


Daytona, Spruce Creek....

It was a warm lovely day in March when I my niece and I went for a little adventure. In the back woods of Spruce Creek there is an entire world of nature hiding out from all human race. There are trees dripping with moss, waterways lined with old trees and birds perched so high you can barely see them. You could certainly hear there remarkable songs that bounced from ear to ear as their songs lingered in my mind. The smell in the air was filled with a lovely floral smell of sweetness and beauty. The trails were lined with untouched nature and you could tell there was a out~poor of respect for the grounds we were on. The land was bursting with green everywhere, my eyes were dancing like a girl in Zumba class.

Just a few pix of Daytona. I was there a few weeks ago and it was so lovely. My niece and I walked around some trails and these are the result of the adventure.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Elizabeth Taylor dies........

I woke up to a very cold and snowy morning, yes it is the 3rd day of spring. As I turned on the T.V. early this morning a very sad broadcast was announced. It was the passing of the great american classic icon Elizabeth Taylor. She died at age 79 from heart failure. She had been ill and suffered many illnesses but seemed to be in better health. On this sad day it reminds me of the time passed and how with the loss of Elizabeth Taylor also dies an era of classic actors that have left us all. She had so many roles in life from actor to mother to a wife and so much more. I think her greatest accomplishments came from the work she did with AIDS. She started a fund even and educated millions with the knowledge she was putting out there. Elizabeth Taylor had also received a humanitarian awards and other "things" giving her recognition and thanks for the work she had done. The last time she was in the news was last year when Michael Jackson died. That was a frightening day for so many. For Michael Jackson to die, just like that. No way impossible, he was untouchable. So it seemed. His Dr. apparently administered a lethal does of something that accidently killed the music legend. I recall the numbing feeling I felt when the news was given to me over a broadcast. I grew up loving, listening and dancing to Michael Jackson. Just like so many of us kids that grew up in the 80's. When someone dies that you have grown with all these years, even when they dont even know you, its a terrible feeling. You still feel sad and wish for them to be back. It a true sign that we are all mortal and that time is not on our side. We must all live life and be kind to all others. Well I digress............. my cousin came into town today and took me out to eat for my birthday. We had dinner in Little Italy at_________ and yuuumi it was perfecto'. I will be dining there again. After we finished eating we hoped in a cab quickly to avoid the pounding of the sleet falling from the sky. We need to go to 5th ave and 23rd street please, I told the driver as we slid across the wet seats. In a flash we arrived in Flatiron at the Eately which has gourmet everything! It is a for sure must do if ever you are in NYC. As the hours ticked by it was time for all of us to head home. So off we went, dogging the massive snow flakes and ice pounding us. On the 6 train to Grand Central and then home. What a remarkable day just like every other day when I am blessed enough to share another day on this planet.