A blog on the random life of Alee. Join me on my journey through life and see it through my eyes. I take the good with the bad and try to find the positive to all things.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Happy Hanukkah
Hanukkah has began and it brings back so many beautiful memories growing up. My childhood was so very special and remembering the happy times is always a gem!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Once in a lifetime...
Once in a lifetime you meet a person that has a remarkable impact on ones life. I am super lucky that I have an awesome friend that has introduced me to a bit of Manhattan wonder I knew not existed. The night started with a hail of a cab and a cozy ride to our destination while we shared some tunes from my ipod and exchanged many laughs. Did I question where we were going? No and simply because I was simply caught up in the moment and loving every minute of it. An adventure was sure to come and I was quite thrilled. As we approached our destination I was still not sure of where we were headed. Upon arrival to our destination my heart began to race, my mind was not clear and I felt a little dizzy with the surprise that was sure to be before me in no time. We were on the water, the Hudson River to be exact. As we walked around the bend, down a hill, around another bend and up some stairs it all became clear before my eyes. We were at a little slice of heave.... The Boat Basin. A charming and delightful hole in the highway, and I mean that litterly, there it sat.... a little slice of heaven. We dined at the most perfect table for two, as perdect as it was there was a table next to us that was even better. The place was packed so we did not ask for a table other then the one they sat us at but when i noticed our table neighbors leaving we quickly swipped their table. Making the evening even more fun. We were then sitting as close to the water as possible. There was the perfect mix of boats and life involved in the entire evening. My eyes danced with happiness to see the mix of boats and the sparkling water it really gave me the feeling like I was home. Growing up on the water and being around marine life is something i miss always.I always feel at peace when I am near the water, in a way it completes me.
The night was filled with laughs smiles and much fun. After out bellies were full and the check was paid we went for a walk. Down the most remarkable path that lined the Hudson. Our legs grew tired from all the walking and we decided to grab a lovely little shabby chic park bench and watch the amazing glory of the sun setting. The sun was huge and so powerful. We relaxed and enjoyed the moment as two friends often do, leaving no room between us for anything more then nothing. Deciding it was time to leave and head out we exchanged more laughs until the best thing ever happened....... a park! Right there with swings and a slide and so much more. Yippiee!! We jumped on the swings and slid down the slide, the feeling of life was more alive then ever before. The sun was fading fast and we needed to head home. We opted to walk and chat which was great. Before I knew it we had walked from one sie of the island to the other. Ahh another wonderful night in the glorious Manhattan......
The night was filled with laughs smiles and much fun. After out bellies were full and the check was paid we went for a walk. Down the most remarkable path that lined the Hudson. Our legs grew tired from all the walking and we decided to grab a lovely little shabby chic park bench and watch the amazing glory of the sun setting. The sun was huge and so powerful. We relaxed and enjoyed the moment as two friends often do, leaving no room between us for anything more then nothing. Deciding it was time to leave and head out we exchanged more laughs until the best thing ever happened....... a park! Right there with swings and a slide and so much more. Yippiee!! We jumped on the swings and slid down the slide, the feeling of life was more alive then ever before. The sun was fading fast and we needed to head home. We opted to walk and chat which was great. Before I knew it we had walked from one sie of the island to the other. Ahh another wonderful night in the glorious Manhattan......
Monday, June 27, 2011
Sunday Brunch party rooftop Manhattan......
Yesterday was Sunday and like most Sundays in Manhattan groves of trendy and lively people flock to rooftop brunch parties. Yesterday a few friends and I started the brunch party off at Sky Bar in Times Square, but off the beaten path. I must say it was quite fun, there were the sexiest group of people there and my eyes danced with envy as I eyeballed their fashion cense. We enjoyed the brunch party until about 8pm when we decided to switch venues. We headed over to STK's rooftop no party but relaxing. Upon our arrival to the most amazing rooftop ever we were overwhelmed with what the sky was offering. It appeared that the city was conducting a trial run for next weeks fireworks display! So yep you guessed it the entire sky was lighting up with explosions from fireworks, the booms they cave off shook the table and my chest. I gazed upon this beautiful wonder until its booms were done out. Wow! Really a NY experience indeed. I just could not believe how wonderful i was feeling and how blessed i know i am. After the fireworks we dined on ahi taco which were so miniature you barely hold them, I was annoyed as i was expecting a bit of a larger meal then that. I was starving and this was the typical over priced menu with mini servings. Along with the mini taco i sipped on a tasty sangria. We shared in some excellent conversation and laughs before deciding to head out to yet another remarkable NY venue. We ended up at an exclusive club then we raveled to another club by the name of Juliet. The night was full of dancing and socializing. The entire day had been perfect, as it started for me at 8am when i started the day with tanning on the rooftop at my apt. You see now don't you, perfect day. Tanning, brunch on rooftops in the greatest city in the world, then hours of dancing. Well at about 4am my feet were still in the same heels and the dress that was once comfy was no longer but a deep reflection of the opposite of comfy. I hailed a cab and parted ways with my friends and off to my home i went. Traveling like a girl in a modern day dream. Once again I enjoyed myself to the fullest. Yeah!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Just another night in Manhattan under the spring stars and explosive amount of trees...
Life is funny as I already knew this but I am continually reminded.
Yesterday I had a picnic in Central Park with a friend we will cal him MR. x from this point on. What great romantic fun we had. Our journey started by meeting each other outside of the train station and then we proceeded to walk to the park together. Before meeting though I sneaked and stopped by a Bakery called Two Little Red Hens which was highly recommended. When I walked in my eyes were dancing with delight upon all the yummilicious treats and atmosphere. The place was just as perfect as could be. Deciding on the treats was an easy decision, I selected a pretty good mix of mini cupcakes, ginger cookie and a lemon bar. Seeing how I had no idea if Mr. X even likes treats and if so which ones so now you see the reason for the variety.I figured that would be nice to bring some delightful treats for a delightful person, so thats just what I did.
On our way to the park We stopped at Dean and Delucas to get our picnic yummies ( might I ad it is only one of my fave markets ever). We got crackers w quacamoli, water and sandwiches. It was apparent by the wine bag he was holding that he had already stopped to picked up wine of some sorts :). We joyfully left D & Ds laughing and talking our way right to Central Park. Once we were inside the park we walked around a bit until we saw the perfect bright green grassy area with a perfect opening under a variety of beautiful and shaded trees. Once we got closer we noticed that most of the bright green lushish grass did not exist and we were cracking up because from farther away it looked so full. After a bit of cracking up we found a grassy spot and put my Hello Kitty blanket down for us to picnic on. He thought it was funny I had a HK blanket but I did not share in his humor as I am used to HK stuff and dont think he is much, used to HK that is.
After enjoying not only the food and wine but lots and lots of laughs and chats the sun went down and it was dark. Once again we seemed to burn through hours together while feeling like we just got there. I think we both could have stayed on that blanket under the trees and stars for maybe i dont know..... forever! We dances a bit while listening to my i pod, MR. X gazing at me with the sweetest smile ever. By this time we had pretty much finished off everything including the champaign but before doing so...................
Mr X noticed something behind me as we were sitting facing each other. So he pulled me up quickly cause it was a big ol raccoon!! Who was coming right for us. At that point I was like ahhhh to the raccoon to scare it away. Well it worked for about 0 seconds! He came right back and then another one was with him! There were New York City Central Park Raccoons coming to picnic with us and quickly might I ad. Thank God for the quick thinking of Mr. X who took two of the bottles and started to clang them together to scare them off. Which worked too but only because Mr.x chased them while clanging until they ran across the street! Wow that was so close for us. can you imagine if we would have gotten attacked by CP Raccoons ooo no!! We agreed that was definatly a sign that our time there was up. So we quickly...ok really quickly loaded all of our stuff up and headed off into the New York City night.......
Yesterday I had a picnic in Central Park with a friend we will cal him MR. x from this point on. What great romantic fun we had. Our journey started by meeting each other outside of the train station and then we proceeded to walk to the park together. Before meeting though I sneaked and stopped by a Bakery called Two Little Red Hens which was highly recommended. When I walked in my eyes were dancing with delight upon all the yummilicious treats and atmosphere. The place was just as perfect as could be. Deciding on the treats was an easy decision, I selected a pretty good mix of mini cupcakes, ginger cookie and a lemon bar. Seeing how I had no idea if Mr. X even likes treats and if so which ones so now you see the reason for the variety.I figured that would be nice to bring some delightful treats for a delightful person, so thats just what I did.
On our way to the park We stopped at Dean and Delucas to get our picnic yummies ( might I ad it is only one of my fave markets ever). We got crackers w quacamoli, water and sandwiches. It was apparent by the wine bag he was holding that he had already stopped to picked up wine of some sorts :). We joyfully left D & Ds laughing and talking our way right to Central Park. Once we were inside the park we walked around a bit until we saw the perfect bright green grassy area with a perfect opening under a variety of beautiful and shaded trees. Once we got closer we noticed that most of the bright green lushish grass did not exist and we were cracking up because from farther away it looked so full. After a bit of cracking up we found a grassy spot and put my Hello Kitty blanket down for us to picnic on. He thought it was funny I had a HK blanket but I did not share in his humor as I am used to HK stuff and dont think he is much, used to HK that is.
After enjoying not only the food and wine but lots and lots of laughs and chats the sun went down and it was dark. Once again we seemed to burn through hours together while feeling like we just got there. I think we both could have stayed on that blanket under the trees and stars for maybe i dont know..... forever! We dances a bit while listening to my i pod, MR. X gazing at me with the sweetest smile ever. By this time we had pretty much finished off everything including the champaign but before doing so...................
Mr X noticed something behind me as we were sitting facing each other. So he pulled me up quickly cause it was a big ol raccoon!! Who was coming right for us. At that point I was like ahhhh to the raccoon to scare it away. Well it worked for about 0 seconds! He came right back and then another one was with him! There were New York City Central Park Raccoons coming to picnic with us and quickly might I ad. Thank God for the quick thinking of Mr. X who took two of the bottles and started to clang them together to scare them off. Which worked too but only because Mr.x chased them while clanging until they ran across the street! Wow that was so close for us. can you imagine if we would have gotten attacked by CP Raccoons ooo no!! We agreed that was definatly a sign that our time there was up. So we quickly...ok really quickly loaded all of our stuff up and headed off into the New York City night.......
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Summerish yeah
Well well well the sun and beautiful temperature have decided to show themselves. I for one could not be happier. This winter was very long and dumped tons of snow that lasted what felt like forever. Currently I am feeling the wrath of the sun and long winter through the intense burn I am left with after spending most of yesterday on "Tar Beach" AKA rooftop lounge area. Thanks to Aloe, not the sunscreen that I clearly did not apply enough, I am feeling better then I was yesterday. I am as red as a Maine Lobster. You would think I would know better, which I do, but I got a little over zellus with the Summer feeling. I am just thrilled that Summer is almost here.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
I am in utter shock at the moment, certain that most of the country is too. The White House has just delivered breaking news and news it is. The jaw dropping announcement that Osama Bin Laden the lead to the terrorist attack on 911 has been shot in the head and is dead. His body is in U.S. custody and wooooooooooooooow. He, Osama, was responsible for the loss and devistation of so many lives. After all these years and all the people who have been killed because of this man and his followers. I will never forget the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centers in NYC killing thousands. I was dating Dean and I was ironing when I was watching the 2nd plane fly into a tower, I could not believe what I was watching. It looked un real so fake and how could one even wrap their mind around that. A huge airplane flying directly into the tallest structure in NYC. Sadly both the Trade Centers crumbled and the mass amount of lives that were lost was truly unimaginable. There are people who have recently passed away when they were rescuers on the scene. The rescuers got sick from all the stuff in the air they responded with not a second to do anything but get to the sites. I was watching CSI Miami when the news of Osama came on the T.V.
Now though what does this mean for us? I am scared that there will be retaliation on us. As it stands we have so many hidden terrorists living right here in our homeland. It is scary and sad that people can hate others enough to murder with out any second thought.
I pray for our safety and for our troops to come home. The troops have been fighting for 10
years now. Man O man! There must be some pretty happy troops right now. Reports say people are out in front of the White House chanting USA USA. OMG! I could cry I am just in shock. Yes there will probably be retaliation the reporters say. Which truthfully was unavoidable alive or dead there will more then likely be another attack on US soil.
OSAMA BIN LADEN IS DEAD!!! Ok here come the President to tell us all the details..............
yepper its confirmed he was killed and his lifeless body is in the custody of US.
Now lets pray for PEACE PEACE PEACE PEACE.
Now though what does this mean for us? I am scared that there will be retaliation on us. As it stands we have so many hidden terrorists living right here in our homeland. It is scary and sad that people can hate others enough to murder with out any second thought.
I pray for our safety and for our troops to come home. The troops have been fighting for 10
years now. Man O man! There must be some pretty happy troops right now. Reports say people are out in front of the White House chanting USA USA. OMG! I could cry I am just in shock. Yes there will probably be retaliation the reporters say. Which truthfully was unavoidable alive or dead there will more then likely be another attack on US soil.
OSAMA BIN LADEN IS DEAD!!! Ok here come the President to tell us all the details..............
yepper its confirmed he was killed and his lifeless body is in the custody of US.
Now lets pray for PEACE PEACE PEACE PEACE.
Friday, April 29, 2011
The Royal Wedding
Well I must say it is quite the experiance to be watching the young royal couple wed. There marriage was made official about ten minutes ago, now the reading and other ceremonial tradtions begin. There has not been a wedding such as this one since 1981 when Princess Diana marries Prince Charles. She too was a comminor as they are called. The queen is wearing a lovely yellow onsomble. The hats the woman wear are so pretty, some graceful with style and others are so regal. There is s true craft when making one of these hats. They are more like a pasterpiece.
Its insanse to think of all the people watching this. This wedding has been said to be a world wedding and as I watch it I see why.
Its insanse to think of all the people watching this. This wedding has been said to be a world wedding and as I watch it I see why.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Winter wonderland.
2011 dropped more snow then we knew possible. Apparently the ongoing flow from the sky was a little out of the norm here. Although NYerz have had to live through snow for years 2010 and 2011 delivered a but more then expected.
This cute little mini sized snow girl was my winter pal. I mad her from the snow on my window ledge when we were getting hammered by a "snowiccane" SNow Snow and more snow. O boy! This little Florida girl is learning a lot.
New York is more then happy to offer up spectacular shots throughout its glorious lands...
This cute little mini sized snow girl was my winter pal. I mad her from the snow on my window ledge when we were getting hammered by a "snowiccane" SNow Snow and more snow. O boy! This little Florida girl is learning a lot.
New York is more then happy to offer up spectacular shots throughout its glorious lands...
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Hanging with the big dogs.
Spent the day quadding in P.A. with a BFF of mine. I think you will be able to tell how much fun we had based upon the pictures below.
We rode for 9 hours and traveled 57 miles.
We went through mud pits and running water that could have swept us away without a moments notice. The woods were so thick it all looked the same.
My ears were popping as we traveled to higher and higher and higher elevation.
I can not even believe that one could have so much fun. The boys we went with are all very seasoned riders me and my wonderful girlfriend hug just like the boys. Whooowphoop girl power!
We rode for 9 hours and traveled 57 miles.
We went through mud pits and running water that could have swept us away without a moments notice. The woods were so thick it all looked the same.
My ears were popping as we traveled to higher and higher and higher elevation.
I can not even believe that one could have so much fun. The boys we went with are all very seasoned riders me and my wonderful girlfriend hug just like the boys. Whooowphoop girl power!
Monday, April 4, 2011
The city at its finest....
NYC has some pretty amazing views. This winter gave me some pretty remarkable shots.
View from the top...
Always love a good NYPD car buried alive in the mounds of snow we received. This car like may others proved to be no match for Mother Nature.
Walking through the city soaking up some of the history is breathtaking, remarkable and will resinate with you for the rest of your life.
beauty and more beauty and more n more n more .
The city is like a Christmas Tree!
The city is spectacular at every angle.
View from the top...
Always love a good NYPD car buried alive in the mounds of snow we received. This car like may others proved to be no match for Mother Nature.
Walking through the city soaking up some of the history is breathtaking, remarkable and will resinate with you for the rest of your life.
beauty and more beauty and more n more n more .
The city is like a Christmas Tree!
The city is spectacular at every angle.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Fun weekend

Saturday I had three wonderful friends drive in from Pa. to celebrate my birthday with me. It was truly exciting and I wish it would have never ended. One of the girls is my best friend ever and shocked me with a birthday gift that left me in tears, good tears. You see I sadly lost my blessed father to cancer some years ago and it has remained a difficult emotion for me to deal with. My bff surprised me with a Star she dedicated for my dad. The star is now named Howie :) it is the coolest thing, it comes with a map of the consultation and tons of information. A beautiful certificate that shows the dedication and truly I was just blown away. I am so blessed to have this girl. So after the tears stopped we were able to pump it up and head on out. Before we went out for the night we took the 6 train to SOHO, where we had a blast. We shopped at DASH, the clothing store owned by the Kardashians. It was pretty neat, there was a line and a doorman letting only a certain number of people in at a time. After we shopped at DASH we headed on our way to find something to dine on. We stumbled onto a little hole in the wall built in 1847! I ordered a salmon sandwich with fries, a shot of cherry vodka and a water. The girls all three had streak and cheese with fires. The food was incredible, the bar tender and wait staff became very friendly with us and we all shared some good laughs. It is definitely a place I will re visit. Once we were finished there we strolled around the city including Times Square and finally headed home around 9pm. Mind you we hit the disney store up like it was made just for us. We all unwound and wanted to stay in at this point. We were full. sleepy and it was coooooold outside. As my BFF lay on the sofa under her blanket I got a kick of second wind. So up up up everyone ( the others were also lounging) "I wanna go out". We had planned to go out to a club and dance the night away but that was quickly changing. How could this be I wondered??? Hmmmm this is not how its going down, I wanna go out and we are going! So I annoyed the tar out of the girls and started getting ready, and the girls realized they were not getting out of this one. They are great sports cause none of them wanted to go they were all laying down ready to sleep. However they do love me so much so up up up they all went. Once we were finished getting ready it was near midnight :) yeah! We challenged the cold outside and grabbed a cab to Greenhouse. I had a little connection tat got us in the door so that was neat. We stayed at Greenhouse a few hours until the girls were so beat we had to leave. I wanted to stay until it closed but...... that was not going to happen. I was happy they went at all so I was ok to leave. I grabbed us a cab and we headed back home. Once home we all crashed out one by one but first I cooked us up some yummi pasta and we gobbled up with great delight. I love my life and I love my friends. I am so blessed Renee' is one of my best friends ever. I am so blessed to have the friends I have, they love and respect me so much and that is the best birthday gift ever!
Some yummie items I made..
I love to bake and here are just a few mouthwatering samples of my amateur baking and cooking abilities. Creating is fun and I love to make yummy goodies. The woman in my family can cook in amazing ways and a few of us can bake pretty well. I enjoy both quite well and have fun doing it. I hope to improve my cooking and baking so that I continually get better and better at it. Hope you enjoy some pictures of my made to order delights.
yummi bake it cook it and eat it right
Holiday cooking is deffinalty exciting!
I just feel so wonderful when I can cook and bake for others to enjoy.... i feel it is a true blessing.
Treats bringing friends and family together for years...
AHHHHH nothing but delich!!!
yummi bake it cook it and eat it right
Holiday cooking is deffinalty exciting!
I just feel so wonderful when I can cook and bake for others to enjoy.... i feel it is a true blessing.
Treats bringing friends and family together for years...
AHHHHH nothing but delich!!!
Pretty City........NYC.
some yummi delights from the the Union Square Green Market. There are GM z everywhere you can buy fresh local food are just a few steps away.

Hats, standpipes and Taxi stands oo lalalal......

Natural beauty combined with man made beauty makes this city a remarkable place for anyone to enjoy. Lots of charming things are around every corner. Your eyes will amaze themselves as they dance around the cities lovely sights.
You can not help to dive right into this great big city. Taxi stands that date back to he early 1900's and murals made from kids on the streets to express their feelings, murals on vans, street vendors and so much more just light up this wonderful city.

The history is alive and rich here in Manhattan. There is beauty around the city at every turn.

You can walk around the city all day and snap away. There are building that date back to the early 1800's and even farther! It is truly a historical blessing.

there are so many wonderful sights in the city. Standpipes which are unique only in NYC, vendors that that pride their sales of just about anything NY.

Only in New York city.......

Your eyes cant get enough and neither can the mind.
GW Bridge hold the American Flag high and with a mighty pride. The Flatiron building which was built in 1902 stand as one of the most unique buildings in the city.

Antique New York indeed. Love the Schmucks sign the best I must say. Just a little bit of my Jew coming out in me.


Hats, standpipes and Taxi stands oo lalalal......

Natural beauty combined with man made beauty makes this city a remarkable place for anyone to enjoy. Lots of charming things are around every corner. Your eyes will amaze themselves as they dance around the cities lovely sights.
You can not help to dive right into this great big city. Taxi stands that date back to he early 1900's and murals made from kids on the streets to express their feelings, murals on vans, street vendors and so much more just light up this wonderful city.

The history is alive and rich here in Manhattan. There is beauty around the city at every turn.

You can walk around the city all day and snap away. There are building that date back to the early 1800's and even farther! It is truly a historical blessing.

there are so many wonderful sights in the city. Standpipes which are unique only in NYC, vendors that that pride their sales of just about anything NY.

Only in New York city.......

Your eyes cant get enough and neither can the mind.
GW Bridge hold the American Flag high and with a mighty pride. The Flatiron building which was built in 1902 stand as one of the most unique buildings in the city.

Antique New York indeed. Love the Schmucks sign the best I must say. Just a little bit of my Jew coming out in me.

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Just when one thinks they have life a little figured out .......there is that smack in the face and reminds me who's in charge.
I am very excited to report that tomorrow I will visit with a woman by the name of Hannah who is like a grandma to me. She and I became fr...
It's a funny thing how the heart and mind work. Sometimes together and sometimes not. Longing for that person that fills both, the mind ...